The Unity Editor: An Introduction


English (Auto-generated)

Hi everyone. Welcome to another another cast in the Unity series and today we'll talk about the different panels of the Unity Editor. Now it's much easier to start making games with Unity engine if you can uh you know, kind of understand the Unity Editor a bit and get acquainted with it. Um it's you know, just it just means less hurdles. So on the top we have this title bar and this is going to list the name of your project and other information plus mo most importantly the Unity Editor version. Then we have this menu bar up here with file, edit assets, game object component, window help. And basically this has a lot of the commonly used operations for example, making new scene, you want to duplicate something, delete something, You can add assets from here, import and export packages, you can create game objects, add components to your game objects and then this is all the settings for the window. You also can access the asset store from here and then we have help. Okay, so after that we have this menu bar. Right, so sorry, the toolbar. So the tool bar has all these tools, hand tools, scale tool move tool, which will allow you to manipulate your game objects and we'll come to that later on now. Generally, so look at this window here, this panel here on the left side where it says main camera and directional light. This is called the hierarchy window and this will display all the game objects that are being used in your game. Then we have the project window down here and in the project window basically you have all the assets that are being used in your project. So materials models, you know any scenes and besides the project window here, we also have the console. So in case you need to see any debug messages, you're seeing them here. Now on the right side we have the Inspector window. Now if I click on a main camera here in the Inspector Window you're going to see all the components and any scripts that are attached to the main camera, game object. So the main camera and directional light game objects are added to your scene by default. And out here we can see the main camera and then we have the light object. So let's add our own game object. So I'm going to click here And from here I can you know right click and go down to 3D object and then um click on cube or if you want you could just go up here in the menu bar, go to game object and then you could create a three D object from here as well. Generally I just like doing it from the hierarchy windows right click through the object and then let's make a cube. So I've made a cube object and out here on the far right hand side in the Inspector window you can see all these different components that are attached to my cube object now in the middle where you see the cube is actually called the scene window. So out here you're going to be seeing your game scene as you build it out. Now if I click on the play button out here on the top, uh you'll see that the game plays and this is actually the game view so I can stop the game by just uh you know, clicking on it again and there you go. So we've exited the game and we are in the scene view. Now, if you wanted to make her seen a bit more exciting, you could go to the asset store and basically just search for assets here. So that's all for this cast about, you know, a general overview of the Unity editor.
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An introduction to the different panels of the Unity Editor

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