Intro video of TypeScript Essentials Advanced


English (Auto-generated)

the new series we're just starting we're gonna talk about the uh the typescript actually we have already started a series on typescript but that was the basic basics of the typescript. Now we're going to talk about the advance elements of the typescript that's kind of interesting. And uh we're absolutely gonna discover a lot of things in a series like the objects in the typescript like the functions like the classes modifiers, data modifiers and a few more things we can do with the type with the typescript on advanced level. So this series is going to cover all all of that but before starting the series I highly suggest you to watch our another series which is the which is actually you know covering the typescript basics so you would know the basic knowledge and you would understand how typescript is actually works. And then you would be able to start this series from the you know from the from the basics to advance. And then once you've finished this series you would be able to you know work on uh you would be able to create some project in the typescript using typescript language. And uh actually typescript is a super set of javascript, not a language anyway anyway we would also be covering some framework with typescript like the react framework with typescript and things like that in the future. Children. Uh stay tuned
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Intro video of TypeScript Essentials Advanced

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