Tailwind Essentials: Grid System | Grid Rows Start & End

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we'll talk about one more interesting thing of the the the grids of the the chill wind. This is the start the road start in the road and that is 11 of the one, you know hell of the feature. Um if I just go there back to the, to the local host and I just simply go to the notepad, that's not enough pod Anyway, that's the visual studio code. Anyway, go back, go back to work. Anyway, so um, this one lets say this one I'm talking, I want this one to be started by. If I just simply go there and I say roll, grow, start one or two. I'm telling ruby start to and saving and now going back to the browser. This is something I did. So what happened here? This one, let's talk about this one first. Uh first of all, I know that these casts are absolutely, you know, kind of hard to understand for, you know, if you just see it for for once. So I again recommend you should watch them again and again. So you would actually understand and grasp the actual science behind the the grid. So this is absolutely recommended for you too. Keep watching and understanding it for the betterment. Anyway, if you if you understand the previous things already know we're going to talk about further very well. Um this one is the rose pan and this one works like, you know, uh this row, this roses panning into two rows and the third one is actually right here and the 4th, 5th and 6th is you know, is this way, so that is totally fine. But and here, you know, this is covering three rows straight, so that is fine, but here we are not telling that to span, we're not telling this one to expand to rose, but we're telling it to start from two rows. Kind of kind of fun, but absolutely logical. So this one is not getting expand into two, but starting from two, but you also can make it expand if you say start from two and you also say grows card three, sorry, end three, save it. Oh no, okay, this is already ending to three, I say let's say I say four, save it. And then you can see that it's now actually, you know grown, it's not spanning, but it is a spanning meaning it's starting from two and ending to four. I mean why it is four when there are only three rows. Actually, you know, It's it doesn't start from zero, so 1-2, 223324 is actually three rows. Okay, so if there are, you know, there are three grades three roles in one grade. So uh if you if you want to end at the last one, you're gonna talk four. If this is seven then you're gonna talk here as a because you know, 1 to 2 is 12 to 3 is do 3 to 4 is third, three rows, so it's starting from two means 1 to 2, so 2 to 4. So if you type, if you write to two is the starting point. Absolutely, the ending point of this one is three, starting of the three. So the end of, you know, end of two is the starting of three. End of four is the starting of, you know, end of four is the starting of three actually, and uh end of three is starting of two. Now, I think this makes sense a little. Okay, so in this way we also can span it if I just say start from one and now you can say that you can say, you can see it's it's planning actually, but it's not technically spanning, it is, you know, we're just Given the number 1-4. So that's also a way you can you can go with an absolutely, this is an interesting one, so I think this makes sense. In the next cast we're absolutely gonna talk something more than the grids now, because we already have a lot of discussions on the grids. So until then stay tuned
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In this Cast, we go over the start and end properties on the grid row.

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