Next.js Blog | Cleaning the App


English (Auto-generated)

we just created, I'm going inside and I'm gonna open this folder in the terminal actually um I'm gonna open the folder in the in the in the you know V. S. Code and I got it. The V. S. Code is here with the project. You can see that I just need to clean the project. Um I need to you know I need to go to their first of all if I go to the browser this is what I got and I absolutely don't need this because it is something you know uh the default data, it's also mentioned that gets started by editing this page. So I'm gonna go there and there it is um in the pages in the index dot Js I did not need the food. Er in this page there are a few few things like the head tag. This head and the future are different because this head tag you know doesn't mean or doesn't belong to the body body area. Again if you want to know about it a little more about the head tag and things then you should consider watching our another series on the introduction of next days anyway. So uh we have two things here. The footer and the mean you know mean tags. So I do not need the food. Er This is the food, this is the food right? I do not need that. I'm gonna go to the code panel and I'm gonna simply just delete that because I do not need that for now at least for now because I'm just cleaning the data and I just don't need all these things. So I'm I'm just simply going to delete everything whatever we have inside the main okay the main tax Huntley. And I'm also gonna delete that now inside the um inside the mean tag. I just can't do things like you know H. one. And I'm gonna write the um next J. S. Blog. Okay. That's awesome. I'm gonna go down and I'm gonna create a kind of you know paragraph for now. This is the dummy paragraph. That's awesome. That's actually what we needed. Okay I do not need the the image for now. I'm deleting that. I really do not need the uh these tiling page for now. So I'm just deleting that and that's totally totally cool. And I think generated by creating next step, it's the blog. It's a blog homepage. Okay whatever. Just cleaning the data and there in the title it should be like you know The Great Next Js blog. Okay. I also do not need that and it it's not gonna work anyway because we just you know uh this you know disengaged the file these style files. So we do not need that. We just do that that now. We just cannot use that now. All fine. Okay if I go to the browser you can see that next Js blog and this is a dummy blog. So basically whatever we did. We just got it in the in the main browser now we are free to do whatever I want, whatever we want absolutely in this, in this violent. Just make the blog doing further things until then stay tuned.
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in this cast, we will clean the app by deleting unnecessary pages and codes.

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