Next.js Blog | Creating the App


English (Auto-generated)

our first react application to do that. I'm gonna open the terminal and in the terminal I'm gonna create the next application for our, you know, blog project. So um next N. P. X. And create next step. That's the command and we need to ride in the command line to create the next application. If you don't understand what I'm doing, you really should consider watching our another series where we're talking where we've created a a detailed introductory course on how you can do things in next year's. Anyway, I'm just going inside and I just, you know, started creating the application in the next Js. Okay, so first of all it asks me to proceed and yeah absolutely yes, I wanted to be proceeded. Now I want to make a blog. So uh let's say next blog. This would be the name of the project. Again, if you don't understand what I just did. You really should consider watching our different series which is truly based on the introduction. The base, The baseline of the next day is how you can kick start anything on the next days anyway. You can see that the product has been created and okay, it's still creating things. We need to wait a little um Okay, it's not done yet. Give it a little time and then it will be absolutely done. Okay, now it's setting up. Okay, now we've got it and a few more packages has been added to the project here. It is okay. That's fine. That's awesome. Now it's telling that it's suggest suggesting us that we should go to the next blog because this is something we've created here. You also can see that in the projects folder there is another folder just got created by this command which is next blog. So we need to go to this folder, see the next blog. Sorry, Once I am inside this this folder, I'm in this folder now, it wants me to, you know, run the the command to run the development server and I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna run the Npm. Run dev once I do that and I press the enter key, I'm gonna get these uh this server online and I'm gonna go to the browser. Okay. I just need to click here and I get the browser and you can see that it is working and that's working fine means our next application is actually active. Now we can make the additions and we can actually start creating the blog. So in the next video we are going to start creating the blog until then stay tuned
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In this cast, we will create a nextjs app via command-line

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