Creating A Portfolio Website | Part 12: Deploying On Netifly

HTML CSS Web Development

English (Auto-generated)

Hello. Welcome back to the very last cast in the series of building out um portfolio website. Um Again, this this series was a learning experience for for everyone, including myself designing it. I was my first time designing on stigma and obviously it made for some really rigid CSS that just didn't work super well with um responsiveness so um that's something I would obviously change going forward but I wanted to keep it going and you know, it's good to see the learning experience for everybody, but the final step is going to be actually deploying that website. Um so to do that, we are going to use net a fly. Yeah, so once you go in you can log in here um I've logged in with my GIT hub um setting it up is really easy, so not an issue. Um you do get some usage and everything, but if you've never used it before you will be able to deploy the website. So in order to do that, we're going to actually go ahead and deploy it um using get through this, you can import it from get so let's make sure we're in the correct directory in our terminal, we're going to do to get in it. Great. Um I didn't I wasn't using it as I went um if this was something I was doing with a team or something, I definitely would have, it's good practice to do it on your own anyways, but frankly I just didn't end up doing it so I'm gonna do the um super terrible thing of making one single commit that just is an entire project, that's okay because the only person that can yell at me is myself. So now we're going to go over to GIT hub and we're going to create a repository here. So I call it my portfolio to create the repository and I'm gonna make sure I'm on ssh because that's what my keys under and I'm just gonna go ahead and push that exists with this. So paste that all of that and let it push up there. Perfect. Now we're gonna go back over to to fly and we're going to use import from get we're going to connect to get health provider there. I'm already authorized to do it. Otherwise it will walk you through doing it there. Um I forgot what I called it. My portfolio french deploy is made which is our only branch and there's nothing else to change here so we're gonna go ahead and deploy the site and it's going to begin starting up and processing and everything they're um one thing I did notice um from when I was doing the last one is it doesn't, it didn't update the page automatically. I had to refresh um to see when it was updated as you can see now it is updated. So here you have a couple of different options, you can set up a custom domain and secure your site with https, given what we're doing um here, I'm not gonna worry about any of that um because I'm not actually going to be using this portfolio because I'm not um I haven't filled out all the information and there are small tweaks that I would make. Plus ri frame is currently missing. However, I still wanted to show the deployment process. So our deployment is now up on this U R L. This of course is just the worst U R L to use um but I think we can edit the name. Yeah. So let's say Amy's portfolio always going to be taken. Hey, it's not look at that. So now we can look on that and there is our website deployed for anybody to see just to confirm. I have but it's not just anything else. We'll close this live server down here. Um We can also open safari and there's our website. It's missing that I frame as we discussed but we are deployed and live so that was the entire series of building out a portfolio. Um if anybody has any questions at all, please leave them in the comments of the video or you can reach out to me on twitter um and I hope you find some use in it happy coding
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In this final Cast, we deploy our portfolio application on Netifly. You can find the GitHub repo containing all the code at

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